Friday, September 30, 2011

Doc's first visit

'Twas I think jus abt a week b4 the big day! I don exactly remember now... We were both thrown into a situation we had absolutely no expertise in handling..n the fact that none of our family or friends had had children of late, din help too much!
Since manipal was the only "good" hospital in my dictionary then, we obviously had gone there.. We had no clue abt the doc to visit...n I had never been the sort who had stuck on dedicatedly to "my own gynaec"! So even worse...
We just went to the obstetrics OPD..There were abt 3 docs available then... We could not even ask anyone off course.. So we jus zeroed in on one name..wid no obvious logic... The name..Dr. Gayatri Karthik...
The waiting period only increased the tension.. People all around us were expecting moms, either wid the dads to be or the grandmoms to be.. They all seemed so in the know of everything!! Jus how?! All around us were pamphlets on the benefits of breastfeeding, stem cell banking (I hadn't even heard of the concept until then), pics of expecting moms lovingly stroking their larger than life bellies! (It was all anything but reassuring!) Jus yesterday, we were dis carefree couple, planning our next holiday destination, our next visit to zero g, fighting abt our X's , arguing abt the most silly things.. n all of a sudden, here we were, jus by ourselves, in a situation that was actually "larger than life", with no one to look to...feeling like utter novices making a foolof ourselves!!
"Ms. Rupa" name was called.. We were ushered in to the doc's room... Dr. Gayatri Karthik had dis bright n vibrant persona abt her.. Dressed in a bright colourful silk sari(pattu pudavai) as we cal it, she seemed like she cud never ever be low abt anything!
"Yes, Rupa..wat can I do for u?!" she started.. I started rattling off abt how I feel like sleeping the whole day, feel giddy for no reason, hate even the smell of coffee etc. etc. We were off course quite uncomfortable at first, but we had no choice but to confide in her.. We explained the whole situation, waiting to be judged..but she was jus so awesomely supportive on the contrary!! She said.. O my dear,I don even need to test u.. U are 200% pregnant! n don worry, u'll tide thru...Ur gonna be together na..jus ensure however dat u have taken at least one person in the family into confidence..
When we walked out dat day, we felt so much more relieved, so much more at ease with the whole stituation...n somehow strangely happy as well!! All thanks to the magic called Dr.Gayatri Karthik..We wil always be indebted to her for dat first consultation!

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