Tuesday, November 25, 2008

N thats how it started...

Nope...it was not the ideal planned pregnancy, but I dont think I've enjoyed any part of my life as much I enjoyed those nine months....

Truthfully, though I had been a baby freak since the age of 17, I was not very sure I was really ready for it!! So on the evening that the Doctor at St. Phelomina's hospital tol me..."OK, Rupa...You're pregnant"...I wasn't exactly sure how to react...I wasn't sure how he was going to react...I wasn't sure whether this was the right thing, considering our future plans...I wasn't sure of...actually anything!! and so I came out holding my hands on my mouth...why??probably because I din exaclty know what to say!! though somehow, my mouth managed to communicate... I'm pregnant... As expected, he initially did not even believe it was true...

Its amazing, the influence movies n the tele have on our lives and expectations... n me being an ordinary mortal who watches soaps that run to eternity n the thousand odd romantic flicks, had always thought...OK, I'm gonna be elated when the doctor gives me "the news"...and when I tell him, he's gonna carry me n jump with joy!!! O no, reality is far from this... What happened instead is that we were both secretly overjoyed, shocked, excited, uncertain...all at the same time...and what we decided to do instead, was to discuss the "issue"over a cup of coffee...

No feeling shy with joy, no giving him "the news"symbolically by giving him a mini cup of coffee or making him touch my tummy... no jumping with joy...no telling the whole world immediately, nope..not at all...a restrained sort of happiness, we were both scared to express, an uncertainty about the future, a secret desire that this be the start of a journey of a lifetime...n a detailed discussion about the future, about finances, about the pros n cons, where we were both assuring and reassuring each other that we understood, yes we understtod...Eh...What exactly did we understand...neither of us can say now!!!

Yes, dat was the beginning of this wonderful journey called pregnancy...n trust me...dat is how real people react!!!

1 comment:

Kritika said...

instinctively i clicked on the comment tag..... but i really cant express in words the joy that i felt reading this.

The world mustve seemed so surreal at that time sister!
There we were wondering Vow! She changed from coffee to tea....
little did i know.