Saturday, December 20, 2008

Din even know then...

I don wanna forget a single moment of my pregnancy... So lemme start by putting down my own experiences of this wonderful journey to womanhood....
It all started with faint bouts of dizziness... A feeling like I was drunk all the time... I used to often feel like I was sinking...down...down...down, feel giddy, like throwing up... But since I was used to blackouts and giddiness, I din quite take these to mean anything in the beginning...
I am a coffee freak... I am known in all my social circles to be one who would never refuse a cuppa anytime of the day...n lo behold!! All of a sudden, that was the one thing I detested the most!! When mom used to bring me my morning cup of coffee, I wanted to do anything but drink that!!
Not jus dat... I am also a typical junk food freak...I love to indulge in my molaga bajjis n chats et all...But at that time, I jus din wanna have anything spicy...nothing fried, nothing oily...It was almost as if my system had suddenly decided it wanted only absolutely healthy food messing around!! :)
I have always been an "up n about" bubbly sorta I was really not used to feeling as tired as I felt at that time... It was like I always had a constant urge to rest myself, to lie down for a bit!! God knows how many times, I must've heard people say... "Wat is with her?? Is she alright?! Never seen her feeling so dull!!"
N all dis was even before we discovered I was pregnant!! The three month ordeal had not even begun!! :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Poem for Shaurya Baby

An eye on the left
and an eye on the right
don't play around with me
I have you in my sight
A ear on the left
and a ear on the right
don't play around with me
I have you in my sight
I want to laugh
And I want to smile
And I want to swim
across the river Nile
I want to play
around in the water
And on the turtle's back
I want to trotter
I wanna say something
Mommy can you hear
Daddy's SCARING me
please hold me near !!